The work of Zoroastrian college interfaith peace DIALOGUE dept.

The first Head of this Dept. of the Z. C. was Late Fr. Dr. Albert Nambiaparambil, cmi., Director, Upasana, and Organising founder Secretary of W.F.I.R.C., who is the Doyen of the Interfaith Peace Dialogue movement in India.
Research thesis can be submitted for the Degrees of M. Phil or Ph.D. research should be original and the result should be for Universal Benefit of Humanity.
Since 1986, research conscious persons on a variety of interfaith subjects have submitted theses from Belgium, Canada, Russia, Japan, and India.
Zoroastrian College has participated in many International and National conferences in India and other countries through this dept. amongst these, to mention a few are the following:
Zoroastrian College has a two-fold purpose in sending representatives from this Dept. to attend National & International Conferences. The Zoroastrian Religion has very few surviving followers in the World. The known numbers are less than 150,000 in all countries. There is a revival of the faith in its Original Aryan homeland, the countries of the former USSR. The teachings of the first Monotheistic faith have influenced all the subsequent faiths in the past 9500 years. But these teachings are not very well known to persons who are not born as Parsis/ Zoroastrians.
Hence the primary purpose of sending representatives from this dept. to attend conferences is to make the people from many countries of the world aware of the facts that the Zoroastrian Religion is the oldest surviving Monotheistic faith in the World and some thing about its teachings and existing practises of its followers.
The second purpose is that the Parsis of India have the longest record of Peace keeping in the World. Parsis have not fought any wars for past over 1000 years. Parsis are known for peaceful and good relations with people of all religions in all countries. Hence when Interfaith Peace is the topic of the conferences it is helpful for the Conferences Organisers to have the benefit of the long past experience of Parsis in Peace keeping functions and methods.

This Dept.functions in Collaboration with several Global Organisations including
INTERFAITH PEACE EDUCATION is promoted through this Department worldwide. People are encouraged to do Research and present original Thesis with suggestions to solve problems and bring peace to the World.

Symbols of all Religions

His Holiness Pope John Paul II In Madras 1986 with Z.C President at Lamp Lighting Ceremony.


This department is open to all persons throughout the world who are interested in PEACE STUDIES especially PEACE AMONGST PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT RELIGIONS AND CULTURES. The main emphasis is on understanding LIVING FAITHS to bring about PEACE & HARMONY through better UNDERSTANDING & LOVE between the people of different religious and cultural backgrounds.
Through this department the College organises INTERNATIONAL & NATIONAL CONFERENCES to promote PEACE THROUGH INTERFAITH DIALOGUE. Conferences organised by other associations are also attended by the College Representatives. Since 1975 conferences held in Israel, Canada, USA, Belgium, Italy, Peoples Republic of China- Province of Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Iran and other countries as well as within India have had very good results in promoting Peace. In 1993 Zoroastrian College had co-organised World Religions Peace Conferences in India and participated in Conferences abroad, in conjunction with the World Parliament of Religions, International Association of Educators for World Peace; World Federation of Inter-Religious Councils and other Organisations.
The turn of the Millennium witnessed a remarkable step forward in the United Nations. For the first time in the history of the U.N. the Religious Heads were invited for the PEACE SUMMIT from all countries of the world. From India the largest delegation of 108 Sadhujis and Swamijis had attended with Representatives of other faiths.
In August 2000, the Zoroastrian College President, DAME DR. PROF.MEHER MASTER-MOOS was honoured to be invited to the United Nations SUMMIT FOR PEACE. Heads of Religious were invited to attend from all countries, this SUMMIT CONFERENCE FOR PEACE. She was the only Zoroastrian representative in the official delegation from India to the U.N. to be invited as a speaker .She was also a speaker at the Statten Island function in honour of the Indian Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee.
In October 2002 she was the only Zoroastrian lady speaker and representative in the U.N. WOMEN HEADS OF RELIGIONS CONFERENCE, in Geneva.

In July 2004, she was an invited panel speaker at the PARLIAMENT OF WORLD RELIGIONS in Barcelona through the Temple of Understanding and also attended the Assembly in Monserrat along with Zoroastrian College youth leader Mr. MinooJokhi.

Representatives of different religions at Interfaith Assembly at Monserrat.

Through this department Zoroastrian College is well connected with other Interfaith Peace Organisations. Z.C President is a Member of the Global Council of the UNITED RELIGIONS INITATIVE, through which she attended the Global Assembly for peace in Brazil in August 2002. She is also the Vice-President, since 1991 and President during 2013-2016 of the WORLD FELLOWSHIP OF INTER RELIGIOUS COUNCILS, in Cochin, Kerala through which Interfaith Peace Dialogue Conferences are regularly held. She is the Zoroastrian Representative on the Indian Council of Religious Leaders.


Zoroastrian College also collaborates with many Inter Faith Organisations within India and Foreign Countries.
PERSONS IN ANY COUNTRY CAN DO ORIGINAL RESEARCH AND SUBMIT THEIR WORK FOR DOCTORAL DEGREES THROUGH THE ZOROASTRIANCOLLEGE THROUGH THIS DEPT.In 1990,DR. AHMED ABDULLA OF JORDAN submitted his research on Peace in the Middle East. This research thesis so impressed the Jordanian Govt. that the suggestions he had made formed the basis of the Palestinian Peace talks, which eventually led to a settlement of the problem.
In 1990, 1992 and 1993 Zoroastrian College participated in the major world Religions Conferences organised by the ST. EGIDIO COMMUNITY in Italy/Europe with support from the Vatican; which eventually led to the Peace proposal of establishing Headquarters for all the three major religions, Jewish, Christian and Islam in Jerusalem.
THE UNITED RELGIONS INITIATIVE, is a grass roots organisation working through CO-OPERATION CIRCLES in many countries. Through this department of Zoroastrian College many CCs have been formed and conferences attended.
The WORLD FELLOWSHIP OF INTER RELIGIOUS COUNCILS based in Kerala closely works with this department of ZoroastrianCollege.
With its secular Constitution and twelve major religious communities, India provides a model country for Inter Faith Peace. Many persons from other countries having predominantly only one religion find it a great experience to visit India through the Zoroastrian College Inter Faith Peace Studies Dept. and discover how it is possible for people of different religions, languages and cultures to LIVE TOGETHER and work together PEACEFULLY in the same residential buildings and offices/factories. This educational process is unique; and is a facility only provided by the ZoroastrianCollege in India.
In the year 1989 the one and only Zoroastrian College in the World accomplished a PIECE OF PRIVATE DIPLOMACY in the interests of education internationally. MADAME BENAZIR BHUTTO was the first Muslim woman to achieve being elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. To felicitate her for this achievement, ZoroastrianCollege was the first to confer an Honorary Doctorate Degree on her. At that time in Pakistan, the Muslim majority community school children gave an exam paper in Islamic religion. The other minority communities – Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians – children had to give an exam paper in Economics-Civics; and marks were usually less for this paper which brought down the general average marks for the non-Muslim children and made it more difficult to gain college admission on merit. At a public function held at the glittering Avari Towers Hotel in Karachi for conferring the Doctorate Degree Award, PRIME MINISTER BENAZIR BHUTTO publicly stated that the EIGHTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN would be carried out in Parliament to ensure EDUCATIONAL EQUALITY for all school children, to enable the CHILDREN OF THE MINORITY COMMUNITIES to give their exam papers in their own respectivereligion, to be examined by persons of that religion, so that higher marks and equality would be ensured..

In 1989 the first Doctorate degree was conferred by ZC on Benazir Bhutto, the first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan & of any Muslim Country to promote Interfaith Peace between Islamic people and people of all other religions.
The work of this Department has been greatly facilitated by the support of Prof. Dr. Francis Dessart, then Sec. Gen. Of the International Association of Educators for World Peace, in Namur, Belgium; who was the Zoroastrian College International Advisory Board member.

The College has worked in collaboration with several Organisations globally to interact with PEACE PROMOTION PROJECTS and PEACE EDUCATION as part of its collaboration with the UNITED NATIONSPEACEUNIVERSITY. The Organisations with which collaborations have been made include
The main purpose of these collaborations is to create networks of awareness to promote PEACE globally and INTERFAITH DIALOGUE as a mode of Peace Process.Z.C. has participated in many International and national Peace and InterFaith Conferences. The main purpose of participation is twofold;
1. The primary purpose of sending representatives from this dept. to attend conferences is to make the people from many countries of the world aware of the facts that the Zoroastrian Religion is the oldest surviving Monotheistic faith in the World and some thing about its teachings and existing practises of its followers. People of other faiths need to be made aware of the living existence of the Zoroastrian religion as the oldest surviving monotheistic religion through articles, speeches and participation at Congresses and Conferences.The Zoroastrian Religion has very few surviving followers in the World. The known numbers are less than 150,000 in all countries. There is a revival of the faith in its Original Aryan homeland, the countries of the former USSR. The teachings of the first Monotheistic faith have influenced all the subsequent faiths in the past 9500 years. But these teachings are not very well known to persons who are not born as Parsis/ Zoroastrians.
2.To collaborate with thework and activities of other organisations having similar objectives and purposes to strengthen grassroots level bonds amongst people of many religions and countries. And thereby help promote the work for PEACE on PLANET EARTH of SHAH BEHRAM VARZAVAND SAHEB.The second purpose is that the Parsis of India have the longest record of Peace keeping in the World. Parsis have not fought any wars for past over 1000 years. Parsis are known for peaceful and good relations with people of all religions in all countries. Hence when Interfaith Peace is the topic of the conferences it is helpful for the Conferences Organisers to have the benefit of the long past experience of Parsis in Peace keeping functions and methods.
3 To bring about SPIRITUAL UPLIFTMENTfor souls of all Jzhirums.Z.C.President was the only Zoroastrian representative in the official delegation from India to attand as an invited Speaker at the Global summit of Religious Leaders held at the United Nations New York in August 2000. she was also the only Zoroastrian Woman Religious Head tobe invited as a Speaker at the Global Summit of Women Religious Leaders held at the United Nations iGeneva in Octber 2002.
She has served as Vice President of WFIRC for over a decade. In the URI she has served as a Global Council Trustee at Large since 2002 and as India West Zone head.
In this year’s Congress Brochure SUPPORT is being given to the work of WFIRC in India and URI globally. All Congress delegatesare requested to join the WFIRC and attend the Conference in Cochin in September 2006. Congress Delegates are also invited to join the URI by creating Co- Operation Circles. You are requested to contact MR MINOO JOKHI for forming a U.R.I.Co-Operation Circle.


ZoroastrianCollege has participated in many International and National conferences in India and other countries through this dept. amongst these, to mention a few are the following: Click to Read More....
1986, Madras – His Holiness Pope John Paul II – Catholic Church Interfaith Dialogue Seminar.
1987, Canada Interfaith Peace Dialogue Conference.
1988, Aurangabad – W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Conference.
1989, W.F.I.R.C. in Bombay.
1989, MountAbu – Brahma Kumari’s International Conference.
1990, St. Egidio Community Interfaith Conference in Bari – Italy.
1991, Cochin – W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Conference.
1992, St. Egidio Community Interfaith Conference in Belgium.
1992, Kazakstan – World Spiritual Upliftment Congress.
1993, Kanya Kumari – W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Conference & Banglore Pre World Parliament of Religions Conference.
1993, St. Egidio Community Interfaith Conference in Milan – Italy.
1993, Surat – I.A.E.W.P. Conference.
1994, Bombay – Theosophical Society Conference.
1995, Delhi – Bharat Nirman Conference.
1995, Delhi – Interfaith Peace Meeting.
1996, Cochin - W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Peace Conference.
1997, Cochin - W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Peace Conference.
1998, England, Austria&Taiwan – for Interfaith and Peace Programs And Meetings.
1999, Banglore - W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Peace Conference.
2000, Bombay – Interfaith Dialogue Seminar
2000, Cochin – W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Peace Conference.
2000, Rishikesh – meeting of Heads of Hindu Ashrams and Panths and Pre-U.N. Summit Preparatory meeting for India Delegation.
2000, United Nations Summit for Heads of Religions.
2001, Delhi – Conference on Preservation of Religious Diversity.
2002. Coimbatore W.F.I.R.C. Interfaith Peace Conference.
2003. Tajikistan 12th Republic anniversaryCelebrations.
2003, URI – United Religions Initiative Dr. Meher Master-Moos appointed as Global Trustee – at- large on URI Board of Trustees in USA.
2003, Cochin – WFIRC & URI Conference.
2003, Taiwan – Lecture Tour for Spiritualising Taiwan Buddhists.
2003, Tajikistan – Conference for 3000 anniversary of Zoroastrian Culture & Civilisation.
2004 Spain: Parliament of World Religions at Monserrat and Barcelona Dr Meher Master Moos and Mr Minoo Jokhi Zoroastrian College Youth representative.
2004: USA The Global Council Meeting of United Religions Initiative in California attended by Dr Meher Master Moos Trustee at large.
2004: Europe – Lourdes, and lectures in France, Holland & Germany.
2004: Mumbai Seminar on Inter Faith organised by Zoroastrian College at St Xavier’s College.
2005, Korandadad, near Munnar Kerala WFIRC Sangamam.
2005: Delhi MYSTIQUE INDIA exhibition and meeting.
2006: Delhi: Global Conference For Peace jointly organised by Maha Bodhi Society of India and Indian Council of Religious Leaders to celebrate 2550 Birth anniversary of Lord Buddha.
2006: Pune MIT: World Peace Conference on Education for Peace and Sustainable Development.
2006: Mumbai- 20th World Congress on Science & Spirituality organised by ZoroastrianCollege was attended by Justice Shamsuddin, Fr Albert Nambiaprambil for WFIRC as Sessions Chairpersons, Ms Yoland Trevino Chairperson of United Religions Initiative USA Mrs Laxmi Shah of USA Temple of Understanding, Dr Yu Hairuo of China and other representatives of other religions.
2006, Coimbatore Divodaya Interfaith Program.
2006, Tajikistan 15th Republic Anniversary Conference – 42 Navjote ceremonies performed in Khujand and Tashkent by Zoroastrian College delegation of 6 persons.
2007, Sangamam-Munnar’ WFIRC retreat.
2008, Russia – lectures in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Perm through Zoroastrian Associations in Russia.
2008, Cochin WFIRC Kochi, Spirituality and Environment.
2009, Mumbai, Russian Zoroastrians delegation attended Zoroastrian College World Congress.
2010, Karukutty, Kerala, Conference for St. Francis of Assissi.
2010, Jan. Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality – H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2010, Mumbai, Russian Zoroastrian came to Zoroastrian College to study higher learning about Zoroastrianism and was physically assaulted by Zoroastrian community bigots; returned to Russia; Zoroastrian College filed Bombay High Court case against the bigots and won – bigots had violated International Human Rights and freedom of conscience provisions of Indian Constitution, which is secular.
2010 April Delhi; Govt. of Islamic Republic of Iran – Seminar -Just Peace: A Common Universal Discourse Dr. Meher Master-Moos Conferred Dara Shikoh award for Interfaith Peace work.
2010, Oct. Pune, MIT National Round Table Conference on Need to promote Culture of Peace in the World Dr. Prof. Vishwanath Karad Chairman.
2010, Dec. Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2011 March, Delhi, Cultural Centre of Islamic Republic of Iran on World Peace.
2011, Karickam Kerala – Holy Books Conference
2011, Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2011 March, Delhi, Cultural Centre of Islamic Republic of Iran on World Peace.
2011, Karickam Kerala – Holy Books Conference.
2011, Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2012 Jan, Mumbai - Indian Council of Religious Leaders Conference Dr. B. K. Modi President.
2012, Jan. Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality Dr. H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2012, Kochi WFIRC Conference.
2012. September, Delhi, Indian Council of Religious Leaders Conference Dr. B. K. Modi President.
2012, Karickam Kerala – Holy Books Conference.
2012, Dec. Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality Dr. H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2013, Delhi, Indian Council of Religious Leaders Conference Dr. B. K. Modi President.
2013, Dec.Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality Dr. H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2013, Kochi WFIRC Conference – Dr. Meher Master-Moos appointed President; and Justice Shamsuddin & Fr. Albert, Nambiaparambil cmi retired respectively as Founder President and Secretary General.
2014, Dec Kolkata – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality Dr. H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2014, Sept. Korea Seoul – WARP-HWPL-Global Peace Assembly for over 100,000 delegates from over 100 countries in Olympic Stadium Seoul.
2014, May, Delhi Indian Council of Religious Leaders Conference Dr. B. K. Modi President.
2015, June, Iran Culture House Delhi.
2015 July, Indian Council of Religious Leaders Conference Dr. B. K. Modi President2015, Bangalore Four Fruitful Decades in a Dialogical Pilgrimage.
2015,Sept. Korea Seoul – WARP-HWPL-Global Peace Assembly for delegates for indepth discussion to
2015, October Delhi, Sarva Dharma Samvaad (All religions Dialogue)Interfaith Dialogue in India.
2015 Nov. Banaras- celebrating historical Dev Diwali Indian Council of Religious Leaders Conference Dr. B. K. Modi, President.
2015,Dec, Delhi – World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality Dr. H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2015,Dec, Delhi Astha Kunj Project Indian Council of Religious Leaders Conference Dr. B. K. Modi, President.
2016, June, Sarva Dharma Samvaad (All religions Dialogue)
2016,Dec.Delhi– World Confluence Of Humanity, Power & Spirituality Dr. H.P.Kanoria, Chairman.
2017, Jan. Pune – MIT- Interfaith Temple Program Dr. Prof. Vishwanath Karad Chairman.
2017, May, Pune-Latur MIT- Purnabrahmayogini Tyagamurti Mrs. Prayagaakka Karad Award was conferred on 5 ladies of India & Internationally, one of whom was Dr. Meher Master-Moos ,by Dr. Prof. Vishwanath Karad Chairman.

At the International level ZC has promoted and co-operated with several leading inter faith peace organisations and participated in their international conferences. In 2004 ZC President served as Trustee at large on the Global Council of United Religions Initiative an NGO based in California USA. She attended the Global Conference in 2002 in Brazil, and in 2004 the Parliament of World Religions in Barcelona Spain. She also represented Zoroastrian faith at the women religious leaders conference in Geneva in 2002.
For the first time in the history of the UN, the Millennium World Conference of Religious Leaders was held in year 2000. ZC President was the only Zoroastrian representative in the official delegation from India, led by past Vice President of India Venkatraman , (Late ) Dr. L.M.Singhvi , and Dr.B.K.Modi. She was a speaker at the mammoth rally held in New York to welcome Prime Minster of India Atal Bihari Vajpaye.
Since 2001 she is the Zoroastrian representative on the Indian Council of Religious Leaders under the chairmanship of Dr. B.K.Modi. Through this she has attended and spoken at many Inter Faith conferences in India.
Since 1991 she is Vice President of WFIRC (World Fellowship of Inter Religious Councils) based in Kerala, and since 2013 to 2016 she was President.
Since 2010 she has regularly attended every year the great Confluence of Humanity , Spirituality, Economics and Power organised by Dr. Hari Prasad Kanoria , Chairman of SREI Foundation in Kolkata, as a Speaker.
Since 2014 the HWPL / WARP organisation in South Korea has organised mammoth Global Conferences for Peace, where ZC President is invited annually. She also invited to serve on their committee of Religious Leaders.

Dr.Hari Prasad Kanoria, Chairman ,SREI Foundation with Dr.Meher Master-Moos , Chairwoman Ms Kim and Chairman Man Hee Lee of WARP, South Korea.


A mammoth Global Conference was recently held in South Korea. This World Conference on Interfaith Peace was organized by World Alliance of Religions for Peace. Over 2 lakhs persons had attended. The organizers had invited about 700-800 Heads of Religions, and Past Presidents and Vice Presidents of many countries.
The main organizer Mr. Man Hee Lee, an active octogenarian Christian Missionary, Chairman of WARP and his equally active and charming lady co-organiser Ms. Nam Hee Kim, Chairwoman of International Womens Peace Group are both internationally well known Peace Advocates and Pioneers of the new community movements for World Peace. They inspired lakhs of young people all over the world as VOLUNTEERS, who came to serve the cause of World Peace. The youth sacrificed their time, jobs, and energy to come from many countries to help organize and make a success of this World Congress.
Their purpose in organizing this first ever mammoth Global Conference was to take the initiative to invite Heads of States and Heads of Religions to sign a PEACE AGREEMENT, where by the people of different countries and faiths would agree to abide by peaceful solutions to problems instead of resorting to war. Over a thousand persons signed the historic PEACE AGREEMENT, on 18th September in Seoul.
Amongst the distinguished former Heads of State were: the former President of Croatia, H.E. Stjepan Mesic; former Vice President of Russia H.E. Alexander Rutskoy; former President of South Africa H.E. Kgalema Motlanthe; the President of the Supreme Court of Albania Mr. Xhezair Zaganjori; the former President of Romania Mr. Emil Constantinescu; the President of the International Romani Union His Majesty King Dorin Cioaba; the lady former Vice- President of Ecuador Ms Rosalia Arteaga, Vice President of Peru Ms. Marisoil Espinoza Cruz amongst many others.
The religious heads and scholars of all religions world wide were invited to sing the Peace Agreement as the representatives of their faiths. These included amongst many others Dr. Ibrahim Saleh K. Al-Naimi, Chairman of the Doha International Centre for Interfaith Dialogue; H.E. Sheikh Hojjat Ramezanzadeh, Iman and Founder of Oxford Islamic Information Centre; Dr. Alexev Valery Founder President of the International Union of the Orthodox Nations; Most Rev. Dr. Patricio Viveros Robles Archbishop of the Anglican Episcopal Church in Chile;
From India, the religious heads included: Most Rev. Dr. Abraham Viruthakulangara, Archbishop of Nagpur, Chairman of Western Region Catholic Bishop’s Council; Fr. Albert Nambiaparambil cmi Former Secretary General of Catholic Bishops Council in New Delhi, Ven Lama Lobzang, Co-founder of International Buddhist Confederation in New Delhi, His Holiness Swami Chidanand Saraswati ji, President of Parmarth Niketan Ashram of Rishikesh, Singh Saheb Giani Gurbachan Singhji, Head Priest of Sri Harmandir Sahib Golden Temple, Justice P. K. Shamsuddin Founder President of WFIRC in Kerala, Dr. Hari Prasad Kanoria Chairman, and Mr. Rahul Varma Director, World Confluence of Humanity, Power and Spirituality-Kolkata, and Ms. Bharati Gandhi Bahai Leader from Lucknow, and others.
As the S. B. B. S./Zoroastrian College NGO Head Representative at United Nations, Dame Dr. Prof. Meher Master-Moos, President Zoroastrian College was invited as Global Head for Zoroastrians, as Zoroastrian College has centres in Russia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ecuador, Taiwan, Canada, Germany, France and other places. The main purpose of the Conference was to sign a PEACE AGREEMENT so that people of different faiths would live peacefully together. She was invited to sign on behalf of the Zoroastrians, Globally.
The Opening Ceremony held at the Olympic stadium had the biggest display of Chinese Fireworks and card display, with Korean folk dancing and music. The organizers have sent a short video through email. Please open the link below.

Please do click on this link and enjoy the program.

Report of The 6th Confluence of World Confluence of Humanity, Power and Spirituality in Kolkata on 27th – 28th December 2014

Hats off to Dr. HARI PRASAD KANORIA, Chairman of SREI Foundation, his good wife Mrs. Champabehn and all their family members and the staff headed by Director Mr. Rahul Varma for their dedication to the cause of Interfaith Peace. For the past 6 years he is leading a PEACE MOVEMENT which balances Head, Heart and Hand, through Business Economics magazine and his SREI Group of Companies through which he promotes Spirituality, Peace amongst people of all religions and the welfare of all beings.
The year 2014 saw him in the limelight of Interfaith Peace movement. He attended the WARP Conference in Korea in September 2014; and followed it up by also attending a meeting in Delhi on 11th December where he arranged for Mr. Man Hee Lee, to meet the past President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam.
Soon after, on 27th – 28th December 2014, he organized his 6th Confluence in Kolkata, to which he invited many of the Global persons who had attended the Conference in Korea. These included Queen Mother Dr. Delois Blakely Community Mayor of Harlem, Ambassador of Goodwill to Africa, The Most Revd Dr. Prof Malkhaz Songulashvili, Metropolitan Bishop of Tbilisi, Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia, Prof. Dr. Brikha H. S. Nasoraia, of The University Of Mardin Artuklu, Yenisehir, Mardin, Turkey and several others. Zoroastrian College President has been invited to speak at all 6 Confluences.

Rare Photograph showing Pujaris from Kerala performing Hindu Brahmin Yagna Pooja in Zoroastrian College garden along with an erudite and learned European, from Serbia, Mr.Igor Svetkovic in 2016.

Prof. S. A. UPADHYAYA OF BHARATIYA VIDHYA BHAVAN reciting in Sanskrit and in English. Dr. Meher Master-Moos with (Late)Dr. M.K. Ozha Indore Centre Head at RCSC on 10th Dec 2013.

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