ALL INDIA SHAH BEHRAM BAUG SOCEITY (for Sceintific & Educational Research)

ALL INDIA SHAH BEHRAM BAUG SOCEITY (for Scientific & Educational Research)
Was conferred Special Consultative Status with the United Nations ECOSOC in 2004. The Society activities were in India and also in Ecuador, Republic of China(Taiwan Province),Tajikistan, Iran, Sri Lanka , Russia amongst other countries. The Society has permanent representatives at the United Nations ECOSOC; and also sends selective representatives to attend conferences organized by the UN in New York, Geneva. For several years the NGO representatives are attending the annual CSW(Commision on the Status of Women Conferences) in New York.

Present Accredited NGO representatives are :-
Meher Master-Moos - NGO Head, Permanent Representative(CEO, New York and Geneva)
Dr.Mrs.Laxmi Shah ,Permanent Representative(CAO, New York and Geneva)
Dr.Ramakrishna Sah - Permanent Representative(New York)
Dr.Thornton Streeter - (Additional Representative, New York and Geneva)
Mr.Babak Khandani (Additional Representative, Geneva)
Dr.Mrs.Anupama Jain(Additional Representative, New York)
Dr.Mansoor Showghi Yezdi((Additional Representative-New York & Geneva)

Our NGO has been regularly sending representative to attend the UN Conferences titled "COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN". NGO Representatives attending the CSW 60 in March 2016 were- Dr. Mrs.Laxmi Shah, Dr.Mrs. Anupama Jain - Indore NGO Representatives attending CSW 61 in March 2017 were Dr. Mrs.Laxmi Shah, Dr.Mrs.Jasmi Sarvaiya-Doshi Dr.Mrs.Vandana Lulla, Dr.Usha Nair, Dr.Mrs.Sumita Satarkar & Miss.Raisa Pallaty
NGO Representatives attending CSW 62 in March 2018 were Dr. Mrs.Laxmi Shah, Dr.Mrs.Veena Adige Dr.Jayshree Borad, Dr.Mrs Shivani Khetan. In this session, on 12th March 2018 Dr.Mrs.Veena Adige was speaker on her Rural Area Girls School. Our NGO collaborated with Temple of Understanding NGO for this presentation. Subsequently she has written and published a book about her experiences titled "UN CSW62- EMPOWERING WOMEN".

Dr.Ramakrishna Shah has regularly attended sessions and meeting at the UN(New York). Photographs below show his participation in various sessions.


20 December International Human Solidarity Day (A/RES/60/209)
On 27 December 2015 at Hilton Hotel, Chicago, USA our NGO representative attended the Second General Assembly where he spoke about the development and improvement of Nepalese culture. Also talked about how to make Nepalese help and support one another. In second Photo, Nepalese Foreign Minister with Dr. Ram Krishna Shah

21 June: International Day of Yoga (A/RES/69/131) Our NGO representative participated as speaker in the celebration held in Chicago, USA on 23 June 2015

5. June 23, Chicago Yoga Day talked about holistic health and how yoga can be improved and spread all over the world. Also how to protect Unani medicine from becoming extinct.
In 5th photo, from left to right: Ram Krishna Shah, Cook county chief

Dr.Thornton Streeter has pioneered biofield energy imaging.His center has one of the best collection of equipment from many countries is one of the best in the world. He attends conferences relating to health organized by the WHO & also by other NGO's.

Dr.Meher Master-Moos has spoken at the UN in 2004 and again 2008 on Water purification technology Our NGO in collaboration with Kazakhstan's Prof.Dr.Victor Inyushin has the possibility to provide pure drinking water for all countries where there is problem of water pollution. copy data from filename:-" Revised Success Story"
Dr.Laxmi Shah has regulalry attended the UN sessions and meetings in New York. Below is a Report Report from AISBBS / Zoroastrian College of 26th September 2014
In response to the NGO News Open Meeting of the Group of Friends of the Alliance of Civilizations (at the ministerial level) invitation received on 23-9-2014 to attend the Open Meeting of the Group of Friends of the Alliance of Civilizations (at the ministerial level), organized by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).
This event is planned under the theme ‘New and Emerging Ideological Threats to Global Peace & Co-Existence’ and takes place on 26 September 2014 (08:30AM-01:00PM, Conference Room 3, CB, UNHQs, New York).
As the permanent representative of our NGO at the UN(New York) Dr. Mrs. Laxmi Shah had attended and participated in the meeting United Nations the Alliance of Civilizations on 26th September 2014
Dr.Mrs Veena Adige Speaker at CSW62 on 12th March 2018 at UN with other members of Temple of Understanding.
Dr.Mrs.Veena Adige with Dr.Mrs Laxmi Shah & Temple of Understanding representatives Mrs.Alison Van Dyke & Mrs.Grove Harris.

Our NGO representatives at CSW62 – Dr.Mrs.Shivani Khetan, Dr.Mrs.Jayshree Borad,Dr.Mrs.Veena Adige with other ladies of Temple of Understanding.
Dr.Mrs.Veena Adige with Dr.Mrs Laxmi Shah & Temple of Understanding representatives Mrs.Alison Van Dyke & Mrs.Grove Harris.

13th - 24th MARCH 2017 our NGO participated in the CSW61 at the UNITED NATIONS in New York. The NGO permanent representative in NY, Dr. (Mrs.) Laxmi Shah is also a representative for the Temple of Understanding NGO; the other representative ladies included Dr. (Mrs.) Vandana Lulla, International Educationist with the Poddar Schools; Dr. (Mrs.) Sumita Satarkar, an accomplished acupuncturist having her Health Training Centre in Pune; Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Nair, a specialist in Women Empowerment initiatives, Hospital Administration and Human Rights; Dr. (Mrs.) Jasmi Doshi, a specialist in Spiritual Healing and Jain Tarot Cards reading and Ms. Raisa Pallaty, an Investment Banker from Bangalore.


AISBBS/Zoroastrian College representatives Dr. (Mrs.) Laxmi Shah with the delegates from India,Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Nair Dr. (Mrs.) Jasmi Doshi on 18th/20th March 2017, at the UNITED NATIONS building, with close friends of the College - the representatives of the Temple of Understanding NGO, Mrs. Alison Van Dyke and Ms. Grove Harris during CSW61.

Dr.Mrs.Laxmi Shah , Mrs.Alison Van Dyke and Dr.Mrs.Jasmi Doshi at UN-CSW61
Happy to have ground passes for CSW61 Dr Laxmi Shah,Dr Jasmi Doshi, Dr Usha Nair. AI.SBBS Zoroastrian College representatives.

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